Sunday, 9 September 2012

A note from our PD!

Hi everyone. Our wonderful PD, Alicia, would like to personally thank all the volunteers from the adolescent, children and adult divisions who went for their respective training sessions that took place on Friday and yesterday. Special thanks to all the VPDs (Elysia Tan, Ming Hui Sim, Regina Hong, Khai Chyi Lye & Wee Hui Ling) for doing such a wonderful job!

- Volunteers for Psychiatric Ward, please take note that your training session has been scheduled to take place on this Thurday (13Sep) at 5pm.
- Volunteering sessions for Psychiatric Ward will commence only in week 6.
- Volunteering session for Children Ward, Children Clinic, Adult Ward and Adolscent Cabin will commence this week (week 5), Monday (10 Sep).
- There will be a total of 9 volunteering sessions for this semester (Week 5- week 13).
- All volunteers to take note that there will be no volunteering sessions during recess week, study week and exam week.

Have fun volunteering and have a great week everyone!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

First session!

Volunteering will officially begin next week, Monday (10th Sep) for Children Ward, Children Clinic, Adult Ward and Adolescent Cabin. Psychiatric Ward volunteering sessions will being immediately after the training.

Thanks! :D


(On behalf of)
Alicia Tan (Ms.)
Project Director | Project NUH