Sunday, 14 September 2014

Our Committee: Semester 1 AY 14/15

Our 14th Project Committee says, "Hello!!"

Front (L-R): Jia Hui, Meritta, Kang Leng, Yocelyn, Shi Teng, Khai Chyi, Rong Ming
Back (L-R): Jie En, Elysia
Not in picture: Yi Ying

Project Director: Lye Khai Chyi
Assistant Project Director: Koh Rong Ming
Vice Project Director (Children Clinic Division): Chan Shi Teng
Vice Project Director (Children Ward Division): Ho Kang Leng
Vice Project Director (Adolescent Cabin Division): Leow Jia Hui
Vice Project Director (Psychiatric Ward Division): Elysia Tan
Vice Project Director (Adult Ward Division): Lim Jie En
Secretary: Ong Yi Ying
Publications Director: Meritta Ooi
Events Director: Yocelyn

Big thanks to Kok Heng for the picture! It was taken after the volunteer orientation session last month-showing off our big smiles and fun side :)

We're all looking forward to a great semester of volunteering!
If you have any burning questions or would like to get to know us better, do leave your comment(s) below :)

And also, up next: Updates on our volunteering sessions. Stay tuned!

Saturday, 6 September 2014

A New Year of Volunteering- Semester 1 AY14/15

On 30 August 2014, NVAC@NUH organized an orientation session in the afternoon to welcome our new volunteers! The short but fun 3 hours of orientation included ice-breakers, safety briefings, role-playing and division games. 

Fret not if you've missed out on the fun, check out the pictures below for the infectious fun and joy shared between the volunteers and the committee! :)

Role-playing time! What should you do when you find yourself dealing with a difficult patient? :o

 Time for some games! Can you guess who the murderer is?

Hodgy Podgy- A game that causes our volunteers to erupt in fits of laughter :)

Chop Chilli Chop Chilli Chop Chop Chop!!

And more division games!

The event would not have been possible without the participation of our volunteers! NVAC@NUH would like to specially thank the volunteers for freeing up some time in their Saturday to join us. All our 'blood', 'sweat' and 'tears' that went into making the event eventually paid off :') 

If you're wondering who we (the committee) are and/or would like to find out more information/feedback/just say hi, do keep an eye out for our next post! :)