Friday, 3 February 2017

New Year for NVAC@NUH

Hi everyone, how's your new year going so far?

It has been a great 2016 for NVAC@NUH! One of the highlights of our new start to 2017 is our Chinese New Year Celebration at NUH last Thursday:

Unfortunately, some of the volunteers had to leave before we manage to get a group photo.

Also, to kickstart the new volunteering semester, we held a Volunteer Orientation to welcome both the new and old volunteers. This has definitely allowed us to make new friends and know each another better!

After having little conversations among ourselves to get to know one another, we had our Volunteer Briefing:

Following which, we played the entertaining Human Bingo and Magic Word! Not to forget, we brought our volunteers to the individual wards and clinics to familiarise them with the hospital~ And... we took lots of group photos:

Psych Ward

Children's Clinic

Children's Ward

Adult Ward

It had been a really enjoyable day for us to meet and interact, especially in the midst of school's incoming work and project. A big thank you to the volunteers for coming down today for our Orientation!

Hope that you guys had a great start to the year too, and may we bring more joy and fun to the patients of NUH! :)

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